Total Knee Replacement Surgery

Does the severe pains in your joints make you feel dependent on others? Do you feel your knee pain has brought your life to a halt? Why did this happen to you? How can you live your normal life again? All these and many other questions are answered by Dr Rahul Sharma, a joint-replacement expert, at Life in motion clinic in Sawan Neelu Angel's Hospital. - When one or more joints of your body start paining, often with swelling and inflammation, you might be suffering from # Arthritis . - Though this can happen with any joint, but it is most common in the # knee . - # Knee_arthritis makes even the day to day activities like walking or climbing stairs too difficult. - If the pain from arthritis causes disability, # knee_replacement_surgeries are suggested. - Total or partial knee replacement surgery (arthroplasty) is performed to replace the damaged cartilage and bone with a new metal and highly cross linked plastic known as a prosthesis. Thus, living a normal life for any elde...