Warm-up & Stretching

To stay safe and get the most out of your workout you must always include a pre-workout warm-up before you begin. 

Difference Between Warm-Ups & Stretching

During a workout we can all go from zero to hero and push hard but the safe way to train is to bring the body’s temperature up slowly and loosen up the muscles before we get to do anything serious. That’s what warm-ups are designed to do.

Stretching, on the other hand, is done in order to improve overall flexibility. Once muscles have worked they are at their most compliant state and they let us stretch further than we normally would gaining more ground while we are at it.


We start with a warm-up and then we finish our training session with a cool-down and some stretching.


Warm-ups should always be dynamic by using active exercises like hops, rotations, chest expansions etc. to get the body ready. They help get the blood flowing, especially during colder seasons.

Human body benefits from stretches after work out - the muscles are more susceptible to stretches allowing us to stretch further and hold the stretches longer.

Every work-out has to be started with warming up and gradually cooling after stretches.

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